Day of Technology on 21 April
From 19 to 23 April, Ansbach University of Applied Sciences will be holding its Virtual Open Days. In addition to all the information about studying, there will be numerous LIVE events, the Campus Feuchtwangen will of course also be there – our highlights:
21.4.21 – 11:30 – Smart Energy Systems (SES)
Robin Hood of the energy transition – how digitalisation, networking and artificial intelligence will distribute the energy of tomorrow!
The new Master’s programme Smart Energy Systems at Campus Feuchtwangen introduces itself. Prof. Dr. Jungwirth presents the possibilities of digital transformation in the energy industry.
Link: hs-ansbach-de.zoom.us/j/94803981907
ID: 948 0398 1907
password: 987591
21.4.21 – 15:15 – Sustainable Engineering Sciences (NIW)
The study programme “Sustainable Engineering Sciences” broadcasts “Live from the Lego Lab
Prof. Dr. Walter and Prof. Dr. Pidun present the path to becoming an engineer with a green thumb. In the subsequent live cast, they broadcast live from the Lego lab and show what you can expect there.
Link: hs-ansbach-de.zoom.us/j/95813917820
ID: 958 1391 7820
password: 662326
All info at: www.hs-ansbach.de/virtuelletage2021