Housing options for students in Feuchtwangen
Investor plans student dormitory near university campus with expansion option
The FLZ-E-Paper published an article about the planned student dormitory at the Feuchtwangen campus.
The complete article can be found on the FLZ-E-Paper website.

We have summarized the article for you.
“In Feuchtwangen, an investor is planning to build apartments for students next to the university campus. The first construction phase is to comprise 60 units, but a later expansion to 110 to 120 places is possible. Initially, the city administration, in cooperation with the Kommunalunternehmen (KU) Stadtentwicklung, was tasked with developing solutions for housing future university students. However, the KU Board of Directors decided to leave the project to an experienced investor, as the latter has already submitted plans for a student dormitory in systemic construction. The investor plans to have the property ready for occupancy within one year of receiving building permits. The location for the dormitory is a “mixed-use” area between the campus and future apartment buildings. The exact design of the dormitory is still open, but consideration is being given to possibly housing small businesses on the first floor. Councilors are positive that this would be an asset to students and the surrounding area. The municipal corporation supports the project, but is keeping its own construction plans in reserve in case the private investor’s involvement fails.”
(vgl. Peter, Zumach. (14.07.2023). FLZ E-Paper, “Wohnheim für Studierende in Feuchtwangen”)