Start of studies in Kreuzgangstadt

Additional rooms rented for the second degree program

October marks the start of the winter semester at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, and with it a large number of courses of study. On Monday, October 2, University President Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sascha Müller-Feuerstein and the student council therefore warmly welcomed all new students in the Onoldiasaal.

At the Feuchtwangen campus, the students were welcomed to the two degree programs Smart Energy Systems (SES) and Sustainable Building Systems (SBS) on the following Wednesday. In addition to general information about studying in Feuchtwangen by Campus Director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Haresh Vaidya, the students were extremely interested in the various test stands in the research hall, which Thomas Haupt patiently explained.

Monica Baudracco-Kastner, lecturer for German at the campus, as well as laboratory engineer Oliver Abel then guided the newcomers to the various rooms. “In addition to the rooms in the Bayerische BauAkademie, we have rented additional rooms for the second SBS course in Fischerweg until the expansion at the campus is completed,” said Abel.

Gruppenbild von den Neuzugängen
3. Bürgermeister Herbert Lindörfer überreichte Survival Bags für den Studienstart am Campus Feuchtwangen

After the obligatory lunch break, 3rd mayor and 1st chairman of the Förderkreis Campus Feuchtwangen e.V. Herbert Lindörfer as well as the event manager of the city of Feuchtwangen Wolfgang Guttropf also welcomed all students and presented survival bags – bags with all kinds of useful things such as an umbrella for the upcoming autumn and winter season – as a welcome gesture.

During the following guided tour of the city, everyone was able to get an impression of the cloistered city and was shown some historical background.

The rest of the students, some of whom have been waiting for weeks for their APS certificate from the Akademische Prüfstelle in their country of origin (service facility of the German embassies) and thus for their visa, will probably arrive by the end of November.

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