Sustainable future: IFH/Intherm Messe 2024

Students gather information and make contacts in Nuremberg

From 23 to 26 April 2024, the IFH/Intherm trade fair in Nuremberg opened its doors to professionals and interested parties from the sanitary, home and building technology sector. This trade fair, which is one of the most important events of its kind, provided a comprehensive platform for the presentation and discussion of innovative solutions aimed at reducing the ecological footprint of buildings while ensuring comfort and efficiency.

A group of students from the Sustainable Building Systems programme at Ansbach University’s Feuchtwangen Energy Campus took the opportunity to find out about the latest products, trends and innovations and to talk to companies about potential theses or internships. The excursion was accompanied by programme director Prof. Dr.-Ing. Haresh Vaidya as well as Dr. Gerd Hofmann, Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Matschi, M.Sc. and Jennifer Herud.

A major focus of the trade fair was the presentation of climate-friendly heating systems. From pellet and wood chip boilers to gas boilers that can be converted to hydrogen, the exhibitors presented a wide range of technologies that enable sustainable heat generation. These innovative solutions not only promise a significant reduction in environmental impact, but also offer long-term savings in energy costs for consumers.

Another key topic was heat pumps, which utilise environmental heat to provide an efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional heating systems. The presentation of storage solutions emphasised the importance of a flexible energy supply, which makes it possible to make optimum use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy and at the same time compensate for fluctuations in energy production.

In addition to technological innovations, various approaches to heat supply were also discussed, including local or district heating networks, which enable an efficient and integrated energy supply at local and regional level. By using waste heat or renewable energy sources, these networks can help to reduce energy consumption and minimise environmental impact.

The range of topics covered at the trade fair was broad and, in addition to the aforementioned focal points, also included other relevant areas such as energy efficiency, building automation, smart home solutions and barrier-free construction. Specialist lectures, panel discussions and live demonstrations gave students the opportunity to find out about the latest developments and deepen their knowledge.

The excursion was a complete success and offered the students an inspiring and educational experience. The Feuchtwangen Energy Campus and Ansbach University of Applied Sciences are delighted with the students’ enthusiastic participation and would like to thank the supervising lecturers for their support.

Overall, the IFH/Intherm Messe 2024 was an important event for the industry, highlighting the diverse possibilities and potential in the field of sustainable building technology. The solutions and technologies presented emphasised the importance of a holistic and future-oriented approach to the design of buildings and their energy supply, while paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Die Exkursionsteilnehmer zur IFH/Intherm vor der Messe in Nürnberg. (Bild: Campus Feuchtwangen)
Zahlreiche Aussteller boten den Studierenden Gelegenheit sich zu informieren und Kontakte zu knüpfen. (Bild: GHM)